Monday, November 25, 2013

Time for The Greeek Jesus Vs The hebrew One

Time for The Jesus boxing match! The Hebrew Jesus VS The GREEK Jesus! let's get ready to rumble!!!!!!!!!!!

How many of you ever Heard you serve a pig eating law breaking greek Jesus? The anti-Christ and not the true hebrew one? 

I have and what I will tell you, this dilemma only exist in the minds of The hebrew roots Movement.

First They would tell us that we Need to have a " hebrew mind set" to understand The scriptures, funny I do not remember anyone in the scriptures, The apostles trying to we program anyone's minds at all lol.

The apostles were not into brainwashing my friends 

Think about this, they taught The gospel but at the same time, never said, First let's us teach you the hebrew language or First let us teach you a certain mind set etc.... No they The gospel is understood and receive by The revelation that God gives that no matter what nation what tribe you are, you understand it! read revelations 7 for that.

Also those that Believe in hebrew Jesus Vs a greek One would usually deny The Greek new testament and say that it was written in hebrew or aramaic, The problem with this of course is the textual evidence.

There are around 5000 Most in fragments and some whole pieces that are written in Greek, there is about 30 aramaic scripts that I know that was found for the New testament but even still The Greek fragments some of there are dating way ealry even in the second half of the first century, example The The Magdalen fragments

If anyone wants to say It was written in hebrew then bring me better evidence then what The Greek gives us.

Also I would say Jesus was never a pig eating law breaker, no one would make that claim, what Jesus did to is Preach about The up coming New covenant that he will bring with his death and resurrection, even Jesus told his apostles, I must die and on the third day rise, while Before The cross jesus taught full obedience to The law, to The point It even show so called " law keepers" guilting of hypocrisy, your cup is clean on the outside but dirty on the in etc..... for example Jesus said, you have heard Thou shalt not Murder but i tell you to hate your brother is Murder! or just looking at a women with lust is adultery, even if your not physical doing The act.

Jesus was pretty clear and taught obedience, 100% of it under the Old covenant that it would even prove so called " law keepers" today bearing hypocrisy.

This was before The cross and before Jesus said when The law is fulfilled it shall pass in matthew 5 and then jesus says it is now pass in Luke 24:44 while I was yet with you EVERYTHING written about me needed to be fulfilled, I cover this more on another post, read it, at The cross The law was maid void, The scriptures are clear!

eph 2 14 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, 15 by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace,

what was The barrier that separated Jew from gentile? I think you know The answer, even the Hrm would but dont want to accept it and just deny it.

some more info


also with The mind set we must think with a hebrew mind set, One comes a part of israel when in The covenant is to taught by The HRM, this is a nice rebuttal

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